piercing tools/Lochwerkzeuge |
dishes (vessels for food) |
plates (general, dishes)/Teller |
bark (plant material)/Rinde |
Deckel |
spinning tops |
ollas |
tinajas |
pipe bowls |
stools |
buntbemaltes Lederbild |
Besen/broom/escoba |
maintenance and cleaning equipment |
maintenance tools |
Hemd/shirt/camisa |
ídolo/Götterbild/idols |
Physical Attributes Facet/faceta atributos físicos/Physische Attribute (Facette) |
Attributes and Properties/atributos y propiedades/Attribute und Eigenschaften |
attributes and properties by specific type/atributos y propiedades por tipo específico/Attribute und Eigenschaften nach spezifischen Typen |
form attributes/atributos de forma/Formattribute |
figure-derived form attributes/atributos de forma derivados de figuras/Figur abgeleitet von Attributen |
anthropomorphic/antropomorfo/Anthropomorph |
zoomorphic/zoomorfo/zoomorph |
Federball/shuttlecocks/rehilete |